Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Beat the Pu$$y Up!!

Why do cats sound like they are on a torture rack or reenacting a scene from "50 Shades of Grey" when they are mating??

Because they really are reenacting a scene from "50 Shades of Grey"!!

According to Franny Syufy on
Whole male cats have barbed penises (much like a fishhook), and upon withdrawal, the female cat will often scream (whether from ecstasy or pain is questionable).

The male (Tom) cat is literally tearing it up!!

What does a barbed penis look like??


Something tells me the Cheshire Cat from "Alice and Wonderland" may be into the "barbed"!


From Male to Female
As odd as it may seem, male cats spring on a receptive female and bite her in the scruff, pinning her down as they intromit for a few seconds of orgasmic pleasure. The bite is not a faint one, either, and is performed with sufficient tenacity to allow the brief mating process to take place without the possibility of the female turning on the male or running away. The female's behavior both before and after mating may explain the male's forceful approach that effectively secures the target of his amorous attentions and at the same time protects him from reciprocal hostility.

From Female to Male
As a female comes into heat, her impending receptivity attracts one or more suitors who, typical males that they are, all want to get on with the business of mating in haste without much courtship and with all due haste. Not so,slow down, is the signal the female gives as she waits for the correct moment before lowering her drawbridge.Premature advances are met with aggression, hissing, spitting, and batting, until just the precise moment for optimum biological success. At this point she allows the advance, stoically accepts the neck bite, braces herself, and no doubt "thinks of England." However, the very moment the dastardly deed is done, and perhaps not least due to the sudden withdrawal of his nibs barbed penis, she lets out a cry, rolls over, and (seemingly) tries to take a hunk out of him, swatting and pawing as she hisses and spits various indignities. All in all, not the most amorous of encounters.

Bad Kitty!

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