Sunday, July 29, 2012

50 Cent vs. The World

Competing in this new mixtape environment is proving to be challenging for our dear 50 CENT.

Tentative titles for his upcoming album

50s new album

Thursday, July 26, 2012

A Movie to Avoid When Under the Influence

Before there was "Ted"...

...There was "Rubber"!!

The Time Warner movie overview said "A telekinetic tire goes on a killing spree after falling for a beautiful woman".

After making sure I wasn't hallucinating, I scoured through every dictionary and thesaurus I own to find alternate noun usage for the word "tire" because I just KNEW they aren't talking about an actual tire!!  AND THEY WERE...and I couldn't look away.  It was so ridiculous it was almost genius!

It must be a Stephen King Original!

And they say it's a recession!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

The REAL Reason Why Mitt Romney Won't Release His Taxes!!

He's Batman!
Seriously, how is he going to explain $100 million invested in a prisioner at Arkham Asylum named Bane??

He's one $100 bill cigar lighting away from being kicked out the"I'm Rich B*tch" club!

Trying To Tell Me Something?

You know what turns a car into junk?

When a business card falls down the windowsill 
and now my window fails to operate
because some jackass thought it be a good idea to stick his business card into my got damn window!!

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Things You Can't Do When Panhandling

Be on a cell phone

Have a fresh lineup

Be picky

Have Beats By Dre headphones

Make Change

Honorable Mention to the most creative signs:


Yo is that the same dude as above?? He must be the Hallmark of homeless signs. Maybe if he charged for slogans....nah!

Monday, July 9, 2012

Black(race) Card For Sale

Thanks to the show "Love and Hip Hop Atlanta" I am officially renouncing my race and selling my black card.  First come first served!

-You can say the n - word
-Slavery trumps everything
-Affirmative action(depending on state)
-You get a whole month dedicated to your race (and a McDonald's commercial)
- OBAMA!!!!!!

-Being Black!!

Highest bidder wins!!

Fe Fi Fo Figga.....

Let the God of the Universe tell it:

I'd say "we got to do better" but Charlie Murphy made sure to bastardize the phrase with this piece of f*ckery!

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Dear White People...

Not sure how late to the party I am with showcasing this.  You know how "that was so 4 hours ago" people can be.  But for those who haven't seen it I give you "Dear White People".  Enjoy

Slow Clap everyone!